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dbQuoteString() returns an object that can be coerced to character, of the same length as the input. For an empty character vector this function returns a length-0 object.

When passing the returned object again to dbQuoteString() as x argument, it is returned unchanged. Passing objects of class DBI::SQL should also return them unchanged. (For backends it may be most convenient to return DBI::SQL objects to achieve this behavior, but this is not required.)


The returned expression can be used in a SELECT ... query, and for any scalar character x the value of dbGetQuery(paste0("SELECT ", dbQuoteString(x)))[[1]] must be identical to x, even if x contains spaces, tabs, quotes (single or double), backticks, or newlines (in any combination) or is itself the result of a dbQuoteString() call coerced back to character (even repeatedly). If x is NA, the result must merely satisfy The strings "NA" or "NULL" are not treated specially.

NA should be translated to an unquoted SQL NULL, so that the query SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1) a WHERE ... IS NULL returns one row.

Failure modes

Passing a numeric, integer, logical, or raw vector, or a list for the x argument raises an error.